In November 2024, PETRONAS (MPM) announced a partnership with Earth Science Analytics (ESA) and Amazon Web Services (AWS) to enhance exploration opportunities in the Malay Basin using advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) technologies.

The PETRONAS myPROdata platform provides subscribers with access to Malaysia’s exploration and production (E&P) data. The partnership has focused on taking this technology further by integrating of EarthNET with PETRONAS myPROdata.
The result is over 2000 wells have been ingested, and gone through a rigours quality control, and the creation of missing log predictions, reservoir characterization, pay analysis.
This has then been taken further into the 3D domain with seismic property prediction, and automated fault and horizon interpretation for approximately 40,000 sq km of TGS Multi-Client seismic data. Map of well locations in Peninsular Malaysia.
WELL Deliverables:
Harmonized well logs, both original and edited, used as training data for machine learning models (e.g., gamma ray, resistivity, neutron porosity, density, compressional sonic, shear sonic), available in .las or .csv format.
Additional outputs include ML-predicted values for missing logs (density, compressional sonic, shear sonic), CPI properties (porosity, water saturation, lithology), and elastic property logs (Vp, Vs, Vp/Vs, AI), all in .las or .csv format.
Also provided are pay class intervals (Gross Interval, Net Interval, Reservoir Mean Porosity, etc.).
Seismic Deliverables:
Property prediction and automated interpretation, deliverables include ML-predicted elastic and reservoir property volumes (VP, VS, density, porosity, water saturation, lithology) in .segy or .zgy format, fault probability volumes in .segy or .zgy, and ML-based interpreted horizons in ASCII format. Time-depth logs and upscaled logs of elastic and reservoir properties are also provided in .csv or .las format.
These deliverables are available through premium subscriptions as follows:
- Tier-1 Enhanced Subscription: includes cleaned and harmonised well curve data set and seismic viewer with legacy seismic volumes.
- Tier-2 Advanced Subscription: Adds missing logs, reservoir characterization, and pay analysis for 1D PP.
- Tier-3 Full Seismic & Reservoir Package: Provides seismic property predictions, reservoir predictions, and 3D screening. This package is available only to clients who have licensed the underlying Multi-Client (MC) data provided by TGS.
Tier-1 Enhanced Subscription
Cleaned and harmonised well curve data set and seismic viewer with legacy seismic volumes. This map showcases 181 QC'd wells from Peninsular Malaysia, ingested to date, with column heights representing Malay Basin GR. Two selected wells include PHIE histograms, demonstrating Tier 1's advanced analytical capabilities for subsurface evaluation. The final Tier 1 deliverables will be available by the end of Q1 2025.
Tier-2 Advanced Subscription
Adding missing logs, reservoir characterization, and pay analysis for 1D Property Prediction. This image is from a NCS project using data from the NDR. The final data for MBR 2025 will be available from Q2 2025.
Tier-3 Full Seismic & Reservoir Package
This tier package is available only to clients who have licensed the underlying MC data From TGS.
For more information on how to subscribe to these packages, please contact: